Dr. Mark Russell Joslyn

Dr. Mark Joslyn
  • Professor
  • College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Political Science

Contact Info

Blake Hall 313
1541 Lilac Lane
Lawrence, KS 66045


Ph.D. in Political Science, Washington University, 1996, Saint Louis


Broadly, I study attitude formation and change. How are political attitudes formed and under what conditions may we expect change? I draw from cognitive and motivational theories, recognizing the value of both to understanding the complexities of the political mind. 

Selected Publications

Haider-Markel, D., Joslyn, M. (2018). “Nanny State” Politics: Causal Attributions About Obesity and Support for Regulation. American Politics Research - Issue 2 | Volume 46. https://doi.org/10.1177/1532673X17691493.
Haider-Markel, D., Joslyn, M. (2017). Nanny State Politics. Causal Attributions about Obesity and Support for Regulation. American Politics Research.
Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D., Baggs, M., Bilbo, A. (2017). An Emerging Political Identity? Gun Ownership and Voting in Presidential Elections. Special Issue: Gun Politics. Social Science Quarterly - Issue 2 | Volume 98.
Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D. (2017). Gun Ownership and Self-Serving Attributions for Mass Shooting Tragedies. Special Issue: Gun Politics. Social Science Quarterly - Issue 2 | Volume 98.
Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D. (2016). Genetic Attributions, Immutability, and Stereotypical Judgments: An Analysis of Homosexuality*. Social Science Quarterly - Issue 2 | Volume 97. https://doi.org/10.1111/SSQU.12263.
Lowry, W., Joslyn, M. (2014). The Determinants of Salience of Energy Issues. Review of Policy Research - Issue 3 | Volume 31. https://doi.org/10.1111/ROPR.12069.
Haider-Markel, D., Joslyn, M. (2013). Politicizing biology: Social movements, parties, and the case of homosexuality. Social Science Journal - Issue 4 | Volume 50. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SOSCIJ.2013.06.001.
Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D., Haider‐Markel, D. (2013). The Politics of Causes: Mass Shootings and the Cases of the Virginia Tech and Tucson Tragedies. Social Science Quarterly - Issue 2 | Volume 94. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6237.2012.00894.x.
Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D. (2013). The Politics of Causes: Mass Shootings and the Cases of Virginia Tech and Tucson Tragedies. Social Science Quarterly.
Joslyn, M. (2009). U.s. American Politics Reader. Kendall Hunt Pub Co. [9780757571817].
Johansen, M., Joslyn, M. (2008). Political Persuasion during Times of Crisis: The Effects of Education and News Media on Citizens' Factual Information about Iraq. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly - Issue 3 | Volume 85. https://doi.org/10.1177/107769900808500307.
Sharp, E., Joslyn, M. (2008). Culture, Segregation, and Tolerance in Urban America *. Social Science Quarterly - Issue 3 | Volume 89. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6237.2008.00549.x.
Haider-Markel, D., Haider‐Markel, D., Joslyn, M. (2008). Pulpits Versus Ivory Towers: Socializing Agents and Evolution Attitudes *. Social Science Quarterly - Issue 3 | Volume 89. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6237.2008.00553.x.
Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D. (2008). Beliefs about Homosexuality and Support for Gay Rights: An Empirical Test of Attribution Theory. Public Opinion Quarterly.
Joslyn, M., Johansen, M. (2008). Political Persuasion during Times of Crisis: The Effects of Education and News Media of Citizens' Factual Information about Iraq. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D., Haider‐Markel, D. (2007). Sociotropic Concerns and Support for Counterterrorism Policies *. Social Science Quarterly - Issue 2 | Volume 88. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6237.2007.00459.x.
Haider-Markel, D., Joslyn, M., Al-Baghal, M. (2006). Can We Frame the Terrorist Threat? Issue Frames, the Perception of Threat, and Opinions on Counterterrorism Policies. Terrorism and Political Violence - Issue 4 | Volume 18. https://doi.org/10.1080/09546550600880625.
Haider-Markel, D., Joslyn, M. (2005). Attributions and the Regulation of Marriage: Considering the Parallels Between Race and Homosexuality. PS - Political Science and Politics - Issue 02 | Volume 38. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1049096505056362.
Haider-Markel, D., Joslyn, M. (2004). JUST HOW IMPORTANT IS THE MESSENGER VERSUS THE MESSAGE? THE CASE OF FRAMINGPHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE. Death Studies - Issue 3 | Volume 28. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481180490276571.
Haider-Markel, D., Joslyn, M. (2004). JUST HOW IMPORTANT IS THE MESSENGER VERSUS THE MESSAGE? THE CASE OF FRAMING PHYSICIAN-ASSISTED SUICIDE. Death Studies - Issue 3 | Volume 28. https://doi.org/10.1080/714859678.
Joslyn, M. (2003). Remembering Past Preferences: The Political Antecedents and Consequences of Autobiographical Memories of the Gulf War. American Journal of Political Science - Issue 3 | Volume 47.
Cigler, A., Loomis, B., Joslyn, M. (2003). The Kansas Christian Right and the Evolution of Republican Politics. The Christian Right in American Politics. Georgetown Univ Pr. [9780878403936].
Joslyn, M. (2003). Framing the Lewinsky Affair: The Likelihood of Third-Person Perception by Scandal Frame. Political Psychology.
Joslyn, M., Heilke, T., Aguado, A. (2003). The Changing Readability of Introductory Political Science Textbooks: A Case Study of Burns and Peltason, Government by the People. PS: Political Science and Politics.
Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D. (2002). Framing Effects on Personal Opinion and Perception of Public Opinion: The Cases of Physician-Assisted Suicide and Social Security. Social Science Quarterly.
Joslyn, M., Cigler, A. (2002). The Extensiveness of Group Membership and Social Capital: The Impact on Political Tolerance Attitudes. Political Research Quarterly.
Joslyn, M., Linimon, A. (2002). Trickle Up Political Socialization: The Impact of Kids Voting USA on Voter Turnout in Kansas. State Politics and Policy Quarterly.
Joslyn, M., Cigler, A., Cigler, A., Loomis, B. (2002). Groups, Social Capital, and Democratic Orientations. A.J. Cigler, B.A. Loomis (Eds.). Interest Group Politics. CQ Press.
Joslyn, M., Mayer, W., Buell, E., Campbell, J., Schumaker, P., Loomis, B. (2002). The Implications for Campaigns. P.D. Schumaker, B.A. Loomis (Eds.). Choosing a President: The Electoral College and Beyond. Chatham House.
Joslyn, M. (2001). Review of Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment by George E. Markus, W. Russel Neuman & Michael MacKuen. American Political Science Review - Issue 4 | Volume 95.
Joslyn, M., Beasley, R. (2001). Cognitive Dissonance and Post-Decision Attitude Change in Six Presidential Elections. Political Psychology.
Joslyn, M., Cigler, A. (2001). Group Involvement and Democratic Orientations: Social Capital in the Post-Election Context. Social Science Quarterly.
Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D. (2001). Gun Policy, Opinion, and Blame Attribution: The Conditional Influence of Issue Frames. The Journal of Politics.
Joslyn, M., Sharp, E. (2001). Individual and Contextual Effects on Attributions about Pornography. The Journal of Politics.
Joslyn, M., Haider-Markel, D., Kniss, C. (2000). Minority Group Interests and Political Representation: Gay Elected Officials in the Policy Process. The Journal of Politics.
Joslyn, M., Lindaman, K. (2000). Motor Voter: A License for Roll-off. The American Review of Politics.

Awards & Honors

H. Bernerd Fink Award for Excellence in Teaching. Received: 4-01-2001.