Recent Faculty Publications
Publications of Note
Covid-19 "Humanitarianism", Geopolitical Logics of Chinese, American, and Russi…
Brittnee Carter and Mariya Y. Omelicheva, Brill 2024
Political Risk and Firm Exit: evidence from the US-China Trade War
Jack Zhang (Political Science), (2024). Political risk and firm exit: evidence from the US–China Trade War. Review of International Political Economy, 1–26. Media link
A colorblind Christian country? How racial attitudes affect support for Christ…
Donald P. Haider-Markel , Brooklyn Walker Politics & Religion June 5, 2024
American Federalism: A Blessing and a Curse for Transgender Rights
Don Haider-Markel, and Jami Taylor, Andrew Flores, Daniel Lewis, Patrick Miller American Federalism: A Blessing and a Curse for Transgender Rights Publius: The Journal of Federalism 30 May 2024
Political psychology and the student of LGBTQI+ groups, politics, and policy: E…
Don Haider-Markel, Andrew Flores, Dakota Strode, Political Psychology, May 08,2024
Measuring Chinese economic sanctions 1949-2020: Introducing the China TIES data…
Jiakun Jack Zhang, Spencer Shanks, Conflict Management and Peace Science , April 22,2024
The Politics of Flu Vaccines: International Collaboration and Political Partisa…
Rigao Liu, Haruka Nagao, William Hatungimana, Jiakun Zhang, and John Kennedy
Fear and Loathing: How Demographic Change Affects Support for Christian Nationa…
Donald P Haider-Markel and Brooklyn Walker, Public Opinion Quarterly, April 4, 2024
Cultural Threat, Outgroup Discrimination, and Attitudes toward Transgender Righ…
Donald P. Haider-Markel, Patrick R. Miller, Daniel C. Lewis, and Jami K. Taylor, Political Behavior, March 22, 2024
Religious liberties or reading rainbows? The partisan implications of religious…
Don Haider-Markel, Brooklyn Walker, Social Science Quarterly, Oct 15, 2023
Now More Than Ever, Survivors Need Us: Essential labouring and increased precar…
Hannah Britton, Corinne Swarz, Eden D. E. Nay, and Christine Holland anti-trafficking review Sept. 2023 edition, Issue 21
The Politics of Innocence: How Wrongful Convictions Shape Public Opinion
Kevin J. Mullinix, Robert J. Norris, William D. Hicks, New York University Press Sept 2023
The U.S.-China Trade War and the Tariff Weapons
Jack Zhang, The Wilson Center (2022) (Policy Report)
In the Middle: American Multinationals in China and Trade War Politics
Zhang, Jiakun J., Rigao Liu, and Samantha Vortherms, Business and Politics, 2022
"I don’t just take whatever they hand to me":How Women Recently Released from I…
Hannah Britton, Bernard Schuster, Hyunjin Seo, Darcey Altschwager, Eli Booton, Marilyn Ault, Joi Wickliffe, Megha Ramaswamy, 2022, Women & Criminal Justice
Wither Elites? The role of Elite Credibility and Knowledge in Public Perception…
Danielle L. Lupton, Clayton Webb, International Studies Quarterly,Volume 66, Issue 3, September 2022, sqac057
How does clarity of alternatives affect the electoral fortune of corrupt politi…
Sofia B. Vera, Electoral Studies 77 (2022) 102476
Avoiding, and Learning From, Mistakes Made by Junior Scholars Teaching Politica…
Webb, Clayton and Soren Jordan 2022 PS: Political Science and Politics 55(1): 236-241
Taking Perspective of the stories we tell about transgender rights: The narrati…
Donald Haider-Markel, Patrick Miller and Andrew Flores, Daniel Boden, Daniel Lewis, Jami Taylor Policy Studies Journal, 00, 1-21
Primed for Violence: Intrareligious Conflict and the State in Sectarian Societi…
Dr. Brittnee Carter and PhD student Cora Caton! Primed for Violence: Intrareligious Conflict and the State in Sectarian Societies Studies, Conflict and Terrorism 2022
Beyond Piety and Politics: Religion, Social Relations, and Public Preferences i…
Book by F. Michael Wuthrich, Sabri Ciftci, and Ammar Shamaileh, Indiana University Press, 2022
Transitioning Opinion? Assessing the Dynamics of Public Attitudes Toward trans…
Donald P. Haider-Markel, Patrick R. Miller, Daniel C. Lewis, Jami K. Taylor, Public Opinion Quarterly, May 6, 2022
Gun Ownership, Threat, and gun Attitudes in an Experiment
Abigail Vegter, Donald P. Haider-Markel Special Issue: Sociological Perspective on Guns in America, Vol 65, Issue 1 First published Feb. 11, 2022
Who does the Caring? Gender Disparities in COVID-19 Attitudes and Behavior
Sofia B. Vera with Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras, Politics and Gender 2022
The Partisan Divide in U.S. Congressional Communications after the China Shock
Jiakun J. Zhang, Seungmin J. Kuk, Deborah Seligsohn, Eonomics and Politics (2022)
Race, representation, and policy attitudes in U.S. public schools
Lael R. Keiser, Donald Haider-Markel, Rajeev Darolia, Policy Studies Journal
The Year That Tested American Politics: short essays on the political events of…
Mark Joslyn, Politics and Social Sciences Kindle
The politics of building anti-corruption institutions. The case of anti-corrupt…
Sofia B. Vera and Joseph Pozsgai-Alvarez, In The Politics of Anti-Corruption Agencies in Latin-America pp. 71-91, Routledge 2021
Ending Gender-Based Violence, Justice and Community in South Africa
Hannah E. Britton, University of Illinois Press, 2020
Tracing the development of nationalist attitudes in the EU
Robert Rohrschneider and Nicholas Clark, Sage Journals Volume 22 Issue 2 2021
The Gun Gap: The influence of gun ownership on political behavior and attitudes
Mark Joslyn, Oxford University Press
The Oxford Handbook of Political Representation in Liberal Democracies
Robert Rohrschneider (Ed), Jacques Thomassen(Ed)
The Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy
Editor and Chief Donald P. Haider-Markel
The Politics of Immigration Across the United States, Every State a Border Stat…
Gary M. Reich, Routledge
Lagged Outcomes, Lagged Predictors, and Lagged Errors: A Clarification on Commo…
Scott Cook, and Clayton Webb, Political Analysis: 1-9
Economic Crisis and Terrorism: Analyzing Competing Pressures on Terrorism in Ru…
Mariya Omelicheva and Clayton Webb, Journal of Global Security Studies 6, no. 3 (2021)
Re-examining the costs of sanctions and sanctions threats using stock market da…
Clayton Webb, International Interactions 46, no. 5 (2020) 749-777
Beyond the Unit Root Questions: Uncertainty and Inference
Clayton Webb, Suzanna Linn, Matthew J. Lebo, American Journal of Political Science 64 no. 2 (2020): 275-292
A Bounds Approach to Interference Using the Long Run Multiplier
Clayton Webb, Suzanna Linn, and Matthew Lebo, Political Analysis 27, no. 3 (2019) 281-301
Understanding Risk and Prevention in Midwestern Antitrafficking Efforts:Service…
Hannah Britton, 2020, Georgia State University Law Review. 36(4).
Not in my back yard: Public perceptions and terrorism
Nazli Avdan, and Clayton Webb, Political Research Quarterly 72, no. 1 (2019): 90-103
When Civilians are Targets: The Fatal Effects of State Sponsored Religiously Mo…
Brittnee Carter, Democracy and Security (2021)
US-China Trade War: Interest Group Politics
Jiakun Jack Zhang, in Research Handbook on Trade Wars, edited by Ka Zeng and Wei Liang, Edward Elgar Publishing 2021 (forthcoming)
Does Issue Framing Shape Support for COVID-19 Lockdown Measures?
Sofia B. Vera with Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras, Research & Politics 8(2)
Critical Parties: How Parties Evaluate the Performance of Democracies
Robert Rohrschneider and Stephen Whitefield, Cambridge University Press 2017
Informal technology education for women transitioning from incarceration
Hannah Britton, Hyunjin Seo, Darcey Alschwager. Baek-young Choi, Sejun Song, Megha Ramaswamy, Bernard Schuster, Marilyn Ault, Kaushik Ayinala, Rafida Zaman, Ben Tihen, Lohitha Yenugu, ACM Transactions on Computing EducationVolume 21Issue 2June 2021 Article No.: 16pp 1–16
A Tale of Two Pandemics: Economic Inequality and Support for Containment Measur…
Sofia B. Vera with Giancarlo Visconti and Miguel Carreras, Journal of Politics in Latin America 13(3): 358-375