Tyler King
- Graduate Student
Contact Info
Biography —
Lieutenant Colonel, USA
Tyler has 12 years of experience in military and intelligence issues. He is a member of the Advanced Strategic Planning and Policy Program at the School of Advanced Military Studies.
Education —
Research —
State Development of Indications and Warning Systems
Assessment of Intelligence Analysis through Quantitative Measures
Nuclear Strategy
United States Army Military Intelligence Organization
Selected Publications —
"Quantitative Assessment of Military Intelligence Analysis in Large-Scale Combat Operations" Working Dissertation for American Public University System Doctorate in Strategic Intelligence
"Electronic Warfare and Organizational Encopresis: The Neglect of the US Army and Its Intelligence Branch to Advocate for Warfighting Capabilities in the Electromagnetic Spectrum" a Monograph (2019)
"Leadership in the U.S. Army’s Military Intelligence Corps," Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin (April-June 2018)
"Evolving Military Intelligence: The Effect of the Military Intelligence Service and the Military Intelligence Organization during the Korean and Vietnam Wars" a Thesis (2017)
"Implementing Army Doctrine 2015," Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin (April-June 2012)