Tyler King

Tyler King Graduate Student KU Political Science
  • Graduate Student

Contact Info


Lieutenant Colonel, USA

Tyler has 12 years of experience in military and intelligence issues.  He is a member of the Advanced Strategic Planning and Policy Program at the School of Advanced Military Studies.


M.A. in Military Operation Art, Command and General Staff College, 2019
M.A. in Military Studies, Command and General Staff College, 2017
M.A. in Intelligence Studies, American Military University, 2015
M.A. in Military Studies, American Military University, 2012
B.S. in Economics, Truman State University, 2006


State Development of Indications and Warning Systems

Assessment of Intelligence Analysis through Quantitative Measures

Nuclear Strategy

United States Army Military Intelligence Organization

Selected Publications

"Quantitative Assessment of Military Intelligence Analysis in Large-Scale Combat Operations" Working Dissertation for American Public University System Doctorate in Strategic Intelligence

"Electronic Warfare and Organizational Encopresis: The Neglect of the US Army and Its Intelligence Branch to Advocate for Warfighting Capabilities in the Electromagnetic Spectrum" a Monograph (2019)

"Leadership in the U.S. Army’s Military Intelligence Corps," Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin (April-June 2018)

"Evolving Military Intelligence: The Effect of the Military Intelligence Service and the Military Intelligence Organization during the Korean and Vietnam Wars" a Thesis (2017)

"Implementing Army Doctrine 2015," Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin (April-June 2012)